Profile PictureJay Khan

I Write Direct Response Copy and Scripts for Filmmakers




Dear Friend,

Does 1 page of script always equal 1 minute of on-screen time?

Does the dialogue on the page always match what ends up in the Final Cut?

If you are an aspiring or experienced screenwriter--you will recognize the movies contained in this database . . . for they are stellar examples of good scriptwriting--Braveheart . . . Casablanca . . . Dune . . . Interstellar . . . The Last Samurai--to name a few.

But first . . . why read screenplays?

If you wish to write a script that will grab attention . . . move an audience to tears . . . surprise them with a twist . . . then there is no faster and better way of learning than by studying what HAS worked.

But remember as you read these blockbuster scripts that:

Scrips are suggestions, guide-posts, and directions.

A "spec" script is just that--speculation.

A script is never really finished--in fact, new scenes can be written on the day of shooting!

For example, in Gladiator . . . the ending was completely different than what was released in the cinemas--an ending which would have completely changed the mood of the film!

When he started filming, Ridley Scott only had 30 pages . . . adding new scenes as the story developed.

What Do You Get with CinePage?

All the scripts are in PDF format--which you can easily find here:

Some are "shooting" scripts while others are first drafts.

The database is built with Notion because it allows you to take charge of the database yourself. By duplicating the database, you can then modify the layout, change properties and adapt the database to your liking.

You can even add your own scripts!

Plus it is synchronized across all devices--from desktop to mobile . . . which means easy access at all times . . . and the entire thing costs you NOTHING!

No sign-up cost for Notion (if you don't already have an account) and no costs for modifying the database if you so choose.

Pretty neat, huh?

Get Lifetime Updates Right In Your Inbox!

This collection is merely the tip of the iceberg. Dozens more will be added . . . so keep an eye out for emails with new additions!

So if you love reading screenplays . . . or you're just curious about the craft of screenwriting--grab a copy by clicking the "I want this" button and you will receive the link to the database direct to your inbox.


Jay Khan

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26 Hollywood Scripts from 1940 to 2024.

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